NavisWorks是一个划时代的软件产品和技术。它可以实现对大型3D模型的实时漫游。NavisWorks支持3D CAD文件的漫游、整合从而最大可能的发挥3D设计的特点。 广泛应用于建筑设计、工程营造、机械设计领域。它支持3D CAD文件的漫游、整合并已成为标准的3D浏览解决方案。

大型3D模型的实时漫游,它支持多种3D CAD模型,从而. 最大可能的发挥3D设计的特点,实现团队设计。广泛应. 用于建筑、工程、建造及设计领域
NavisWorks的优势在于对大型3D模型的支持,同时它支持多种3D CAD模型。NavisWorks易学易用,他还可以用来让多个设计单位进行交流。
NavisWorks 实现了让设计师,用户和承包商有效地交流,他们在不同的地点就可以互相观看设计视图。NavisWorks和业界的顶尖设计工具共同实现了这一目的。

· NavisWorks 的大型3D模型漫游
Navisworks Roamer-加强的漫游及回放功能
NavisWorks 为客户,设计师,销售人员和市场人员提供了一个共同的平台。NavisWorks使任何人在任何地方可以观看相互的设计方案并展开交流。
Powerful and flexible yet affordable and easy to use, JetStream v5 saves time and reduces the risk of problems on site thus saving money. JetStream v5 gives access for all stakeholders to work effectively together on a project employing 3D design models on the desktop or over the web and regardless of size or file format.
BIM compliant, a solution for Virtual Construction and an aid to LEAN construction techniques, JetStream v5 has become an integral part of many major companies'' review processes.

Our product is used in diverse markets including Engineering, Construction, Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, Energy, Shipbuilding, Automotive and Utilities and offers proven benefits in saving time and money throughout the project lifecycle, for both engineering and procurement contractors as well as owner operators, and for CAD and non-CAD user alike.
Our fifth major release, JetStream v5 is scalable and easy to deploy and administer; fitting into existing processes and linking to third party software and databases. |