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主题:Autodesk发布3ds max 9 和 Maya 8

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Autodesk发布3ds max 9 和 Maya 8  发帖心情 Post By:2006-10-10 06:32:48 [只看该作者]

Autodesk公司在Siggraph 2006展览会上发布了3ds max 9 和 Maya 8 。 Autodesk has chosen SIGGRAPH2006 to release new versions of both 3ds Max and Maya. The double announcement was made today at the Autodesk User Group Meeting at the opening day of SIGGRAPH2006 in a balmy Boston. With the merging of Alias and Autodesk earlier this year, this meeting has become the one place where 3D artists and animators have gathered to hear the best, latest and most spectacular news about their popular products. They were not disappointed. 3ds Max 9 max9会有 32bits 跟 64 bits两种版本,安装片会有这两种版本,看使用者想要用那一版 其中的64 bits版是以Windows XP Pro x64 为平台(想当然尔,之后的vista应该是兼容的) max9内建mental Ray 3.5,GI跟sss材质的控制面版会简化,FG效能增加;网络算图的控件会增加,并且没有CPU的数量限制 二次光照系统方面mental Ray跟Radiosity的设定可以切换 增加Car Paint(汽车烤漆材质),Shaders for architecture(建筑相关材质),Physical Sky(真实天空) Physical Sun(真实阳光) 一般的max对象也可以像cs那样,用layer的方式编辑动画!!!(这个我期待很久了) Biped的手指跟脚趾现在是独立设key了(之前是手臂到手指;大腿到脚趾视为同一个群组,有经验的人就知道我再说什么了) 现在可以像编辑bones那样,在track view里面用Bezier线性去调整biped(希望这次是真的做到,这点前几版就说可以,结果是半调子) viewport(窗口)的效能增加(这点有看到网络上讨论,说是真的大幅改进,不是宣传广告!) Hair And Fur 接口精简,编辑头发跟物理运算都整合到max的窗口里了(不用在开新窗口编辑发型了) hair And Fur 在scaline下就可以计算折射与反射 Power Booleans内建Cloth效能改进 可以在窗口中实时碰撞(其实现在就可以了…) Reactor改进效能 强化Rigid Bodies的计算 X-Ref 强化对biped的动作关联(这点要看到实体才知道,目前max8就已经可以关联) 坏消息是对应max6,7,8的plugin通通上不去,script倒是相容 max9将会在7/31的siggraph 2006展出 64位版的最低要求是1G的RAM 建议装到4G Highlights Achieve stunning results in less time with Autodesk® 3ds Max® 9 software. Accelerate your creative workflow and increase your pipeline efficiency with enhanced animation and rendering tools. 3ds Max leverages the latest technology advancements, such as 64-bit workstations, to help you work with ever-increasing amounts of data and more complex scenes. Autodesk 3ds Max 9 provides dramatic improvements in display performance and complexity management required by next generation production pipelines along with significant rendering enhancements for architectural customers. From the greatly expanded boundaries of the first-ever 64-bit release of 3ds Max to the newly integrated hair-styling interface, 3ds Max artists have more options, more performance and more flexibility than ever before. Key New Features and Enhancements: 64-bit Release for Windows 3ds Max 9 marks the first full release of 3ds Max with both 32-bit (Windows®) and 64-bit (Windows) executables. It allows you to address considerably more memory than you could in the past, allowing you to handle larger and more complex scenes than ever before. (max分为32和64两个版本,可以选择安装,64位版将带来无与伦比的速度与效率,处理上百万的poly不再是梦想) Easily Render Realistic Scenes mental ray® 3.5 software adds powerful rendering functionality to 3ds Max 9. Create photorealistic skies based on the position of the sun with Physical Sun and Sky mental ray shader. New Architectural and Design shaders make it easier for designers and architects to create effects such as blurred reflections, frosted glass, and glossy car paint. The ability to create bump mapping on glossiness only and to simulate round corners and soft edges makes objects appear even more natural and true to life. (在新的mr3.5版中集成了现实光照系统--阳光系统,并增加了车漆材质和mr建筑类材质,看过演示后感觉真的是非常强悍,而且使用方便,极大的增强了max的制作效率) mental ray 3.5 Core mental ray 3.5 adds a simplified user interface for working with Final Gather. It also has a unified indirect lighting model that provides consistent results when switching between different 3ds Max radiosity modes. (最新mr3.5渲染系统,gi和fg速度飞快,增加了很多设置选项和shader) Performance Optimizations Core performance enhancements have been made to 3ds Max 9 to maximize your productivity and accelerate your creative workflow. For example, enjoy greater viewport interactivity when working with dense meshes and switch between high-res and low-res bitmap proxies to allow for better interaction. (max视图优化有了质的飞跃,可以打开zb级别的模型进行实时编辑和雕刻了,希望粒子系统也能有相同的速度) Layered Animation The ability to place animation into separate layers allows you to easily tweak dense and complex animations. Layers can be turned on or off to evaluate an animation, can blend new keys with existing motion, and allow for a full range of adjustments without having to modify the key frames of the animated object. (革命啊,层动画不再仅仅只针对cs角色,任何物体都能以层的方式来调节动画了,期待) Character Animation Workflow Improvements Craft and refine your character animation more easily with numerous enhancements to Biped. For example, you can now move keys past each other and work in negative frames. This saves numerous steps when tweaking a Biped animation and is particularly useful when trying to reverse an animation, since one can now negatively scale an animation range. (cs角色工作流程的改进,cs骨骼可以随心所欲的象bone一样调节编辑了) Pro Booleans Pro Booleans is a new tool for modeling with Boolean operations allowing you to quickly and easily model inorganic shapes—useful for prototyping geometry, creating game level layout designs, and complex architectural elements. Merge, intersect, subtract, or add meshes to create rich and complex objects. Pro Booleans re-evaluates the topology to remove bad triangles, allowing you to create higher quality meshes with fewer small edges and skinny triangles. (强大的布尔运算引擎,不再多说了) Hair and Cloth Improvements Easily work with Cloth and Hair in 3ds Max 9. Create, manipulate, and style hair directly in the viewports using standard navigation and selection tools. As of 3ds Max 9, you can cinch waistlines, shorten hems, and tailor clothing in the stack without the need to edit the original pattern to make clothes fit. (毛发的改进激动人心,梳理起来真是种享受,动力学从演示上看也完美的解决了碰撞问题,cloth方面增加了很多使用的计算方式,调节起来也是非常快捷) XRef Object Enhancements Many enhancements have been made to XRefs in 3ds Max 9. You can now reference scene geometry, materials, and controllers and can maintain dependencies between XRef’d items. The XRef system’s new dependency handling lets you preview object relationships in both merge and XRef operations, providing more control over how external objects are used. (参考物体功能更新,团队协作更加流畅) Enhanced FBX Support The Autodesk® FBX® 3D authoring and interchange format allows you to exchange assets between 3D applications. Enhancements in FBX include improvements to mesh compatibility, pixel accuracy when transferring assets and data between 3ds Max and Maya® software. (fbx格式可以无缝支持了,精确的导入maya和mb的动画成为可能) Display Support for DirectX and CG Shaders Support for all DirectX® shaders and performance enhancements have been made for 3ds Max 9. You can now load cgfx files into the DX material and have them displayed in the viewport. (视图中支持实时dx效果,可以实现cgfx编程的shader,游戏开发更加方便) 总的来说max的更新给能带来的印象就是快快快,整个工作流程更加的集成化,为制作高效率高质量的项目带来了有利的保障。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-10 6:33:16编辑过]

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-10-17 13:45:02 [只看该作者]

3ds Max 9.0 DVD版正式发行:

世界知名的三维建模、动画与渲染解决方案的最新版本。该版本支持64位技术,为数字艺术家提供了下一代游戏开发、可视化设计以及电影电视视觉特效制作的强大工具。运用3ds Max软件,艺术大师们取得的重大成就已不计其数,包括纽约市的自由之塔,“Assassin’s Creed”(刺客的信条),“Gears of War”(战争机器),“Guild Wars”(行会战争)和“Mass Effect”(大规模效应)等经典游戏以及“Aeon Flux”(魔力女战士)与“哈利•波特与火焰杯”等电影大片。


3DS Max 9

  新的3DS Max 9非常注重提升软件的核心表现,并且加强工作流程的效率。新版本对新的64位技术做了特别的优化,同时提升了核心动画和渲染工具的功能,能够为艺术家带来比先前版本更多的帮助。对共享资源更为紧凑的控制,对工程资源的跟踪和对工作流程的个性化设置都使得整个的创作更加的快速。

3ds Max 9生成的FBK文件格式,依然可以转换成Maya, Motionbulider以及其他Autodesk产品的格式,而mental ray 3.5也为Max 9注入了强大的渲染能力。更为简洁的用户界面使得全局照明(global illumination)和SSS shaders*作起来更加的方便。统一的间接灯光模型为在不同的radiosity模式间转换提供了保证。

  利用集成的mental ray进行渲染,用户可以使用渲染所需的任意多的CPU。而集成的mental ray将如同3ds Max scanline renderer那样的精确。

Autodesk传媒娱乐部副总裁马克•佩迪特(Marc Petit)对此表示:“开发Autodesk 3ds Max 9,我们旨在帮助用户应对处理更多复杂数据时、以及扩展到更大规模制作团队时所面临的挑战。使用3ds Max 9,数字艺术大师们将能感到核心性能、生产力以及制作流程效率多方面的提升,并游刃有余地管理下一代游戏、电影、广电和设计开发的日渐复杂的三维数据集特征。”

Silicon Knights游戏工作室总裁Denis Dyack也兴奋地表示:“我们游戏中所有的三维建模和动画都是用Autodesk 3ds Max制作的。我们对3ds Max 9将提供的先进功能感到格外兴奋。从九十年代初开始,我们公司所有游戏的视觉方面的成功都离不开3ds Max。用它创作的作品包括热门游戏‘Metal Gear Solid:The Twin Snakes’( 潜龙谍影:双蛇)、‘Eternal Darkness:Sanity’s Requiem’(永恒的黑暗)、‘Bloody Omen:Legacy of Kain’(血魔传奇)、‘Dark Legions’( 黑暗军团) 和‘Fantasy Empires’(幻想帝国)。在我们即将出炉的下一代角色扮演动作游戏‘Too Human’(非凡战士)的制作中,3ds Max再次扮演了至关重要的角色。”

Autodesk 3ds Max 9的主要功能

除了64位支持、全新的光照系统、更多着色器和加速渲染能力,3ds Max 9还提供以下功能,以最大化核心性能、生产力和制作流程效率:

· 一套可添加到3ds Max中定制装备和控制器上的分层混合系统

· 线框与边缘显示的最优化,可在视图中得到更快的反馈

· 可保存并加载到步迹动画(bipeds)上的XAF文件,使定制装备输入输出信息更加轻松

· 增强的头发和衣服功能,包括在视图中设计发型的能力


·点缓存(Point cache)2能将网格变形制作成文件进行快速渲染

·通过FBX文件格式改善与Autodesk Maya的兼容性

有关全新3ds Max 9功能的完整列表,请访问 www.autodesk.com/3dsmax

得益于HP和Intel的支持,欧特克开发商网络(ADN) 星火计划中的不少第三方开发商已经生产了其原有插件的64位版本以支持3ds Max 9,以便让用户立即获得64位开发工具库。
